Back in March of 2020, the world changed forever. Covid-19 officially became a pandemic and we were all under lockdown on and off for months. During the lockdown, it was extremely clear that everyone was having a tough time coping, which was very understandable. We were cooped up in our homes, not able to do things outside. Many had the luxury of a backyard or balcony, but others not so much.
Fortunately, the internet was still there. We’ve all been on social media a lot more than usual, and then another thing became clear. There were certain activities that became quite popular to do during the lockdown. Covid-19 wasn’t the only thing going viral. There were also other popular activities that weren’t shown online but they were just as widespread. Here’s a list of those activities, for nostalgia’s sake.
- Making Banana Bread
This random and sweet activity was for some reason on everyone’s list of things to do. It seems like the first long lockdown for Covid brought out people’s desires to do things they normally have no time for. And baking banana bread was one of those things. There were tons of videos on YouTube and TikTok about making banana bread, people putting their own spin on it by adding walnuts or chocolate chips, etc. It was quite wholesome.
- Playing Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released on March 20th of 2020, just some days shy of when lockdown started. It might be because of that very reason that it became a staple video game for people on lockdown. It soon exploded in popularity very quickly, thanks to TikTok. Many people even ordered a Nintendo switch for the first time just to be able to play this social simulation game about being a human in a land full of cute humanoid animals.
- Online Casinos
This trend wasn’t as popular online as the first two, but it was still incredibly popular nonetheless. This lockdown activity was bound to happen since all the casinos were closed for obvious reasons. Players signing up and making accounts for online casinos skyrocketed during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Online casinos are known to bring basically the same amount of excitement and thrill as land-based casinos, and people in lockdown needed that excitement and thrill. Playing some online roulette game, some slot games of sport betting will surely pass the time at
- LearningANew Language
Many people downloaded the language app Duolingo to try and learn a new language. This also wasn’t as viral online, though it was a very common activity. Duolingo was one of the most downloaded apps during the lockdown. When there’s nothing better to do, why not try and learn a language you’ve always fantasized about learning?
When the lockdown ended in major parts of the world, some of these activities were left behind. Now, when people take part in these activities, it reminds them of the first lockdown. It’s clear with some of these activities that some people used the lockdown as an opportunity to better themselves for when the lockdown was lifted so they can come out of it differently and better. Others used the pandemic to rest, they finally have a break from the real world for a while and they weren’t going to waste it. One thing is for sure, everyone rightfully took advantage of the time the world was on pause.